Dec 11, 2019, 6:29 AM
@mnovella Hello
Thus, we can say that currently the LoPy4 does not support RejoinRequest natively, and that for it to happen the LoRa Module would have to be v1.1 compliant. Is this correct?
LoPy AND LoraWAN operator have to be conform to 1.1 specification to use it.
If yes, then given it's not natively supported, the responsibility for rejoining, etc. would fall on the application programmer (that is, me, or the code my LoPy has), just like you said that you start a join procedure after X time of not getting a downlink. Am I right?
Yes, that's i do, after two week if no downlink as been recevied the device do a new OTA join request
The 1.1 specs say that: "Once activated a device MAY periodically transmit a Rejoin-request message on top of its normal applicative traffic"
It's very important when reading ISO/RFC/ETSI/official specification to be veray careful to the use of 'MUST',"MAY" and 'SHOULD" and there's indeed meaning. The low-level stack MUST support processing RejoinRequest but it's not mandatory that the application use it or is allowed to use it.
That "MAY" part was the one that made me dubious if it was supported by the device or not... so I guess that even if/when Pycom supports LoraWAN 1.1 it will be up to Pycom to decide if/when to do the RejoinRequest if I'm not mistaken...
I don't know what pycom will do when they will working to 1.1 port, but for me it's a "No" if i have had to vote, sending a new RejoinRequest is IMHO and application job and not a low-level stack/driver job.
However, RejoinRequest is not send by a device, it's send by the network. When you do roaming (even in same country) you cant be in a specific area where some frequence channel is unusable (jammed), the network send to the device a RejoinRequest, the device perfom a new joinrequest and in the answer it receive a new channel list used in the area (frequency plan). If your device is static you don't have to think about this.
My device perform new joinrequest as it's a moved device and can be for a long time out-of-network and when it come back is framecounter is far from when it leave the network and we don't receive anymore it's frame if we don't do a new joinrequest.